Get In Touch With Us
Contact Info
The Night’s Shield Children’s Shelter
301 East Garland Street
West Frankfort, IL 62896
Send Checks to:
The Night’s Shield Children’s Shelter
301 East Garland Street
West Frankfort, IL 62896
Our Facility:
The shelter has an east and west wing. The east wing houses executive staff, classroom, art room, library and visitation room that is provided for area agencies to hold supervised visitations. Our west wing has 8 bedrooms that can accommodate 2 children each, a nursery and toddler room. We also have a movie room, game room, activity room, kitchen, dining room, and a huge fenced-in, outside play area that includes a children’s playground.
Where we are:
The shelter is located at 301 East Garland Street, West Frankfort, Illinois. It is housed in the Roan Center, named after Gary Roan of West Frankfort. Gary, along with Glenn Poshard and the Poshard Foundation, were instrumental in raising and donating the first $125,000 for the shelter. Those funds were used to begin renovations of the building that was donated by Shay Bellows from Chicago.
How can people help?
enables us to purchase size 12 gym shoes for a resident. Or, a Dominos gift card, gives the residents a pizza night.
year by us or by third-parties. We are always looking for items to raffle at these events (baskets, dining gift cards, weekend get-aways, etc.).